We're open and accepting donations!

COVID-19 can't stop us! Please call us to find out how we are safely handling car donations.

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7 Days a Week
Serving All 50 States

Your Partner in Making Good Things Happen

You've got a mission to make the world better.
And we’re here to help.
Cars2Charities ® is a state-of-the-art vehicle donation program that generates the revenue your mission requires.

  • We do all the physical work.
  • We handle all the details and papers.
  • You focus on your charitable work.

Vehicle donations offer you as non-profit charitable organizations an additional source of funding from your existing donor base. Typically, a charity receives a larger contribution as a result of a vehicle donation than it would if the donor were asked to write a check.

Here's How We Work For You


We help you promote this opportunity -- your partnership with cars 2charities -- within your charity, and among those who are in your orbit of influence.

  • Did you know that at any given time, a certain portion of your supporters and others in your charity's circle are looking to donate a car to some cause?
  • Why not ask them to choose you?
  • They could and would … if only you ask them!

donate car to charity

We specialize in serving California-based donors, and can support almost any charity registered in California: big or small, local or national.


  • We quickly process each donation using a sophisticated mix of on-line and personalized communication.
  • We maximize the value of donated vehicles and manage all aspects of the process of turning that into cash for your charity. We also maximize your net proceeds by customizing our marketing channels -- targeting buyers who are most likely to offer the highest amount for each donated vehicle.
  • Net checks to charities average $800-1,000 per vehicle donation (a figure that has been statistically validated for charities with 30+ donations). This means we produce more than 2x in net $$$ per donation as the leading vehicle donation program in the country.

1098c vehicle donation tax deduction

We issue the required tax forms to donors.

charity check

Here's the Best Part: We then hand 100% of the net proceeds to you (minus cost of towing, improvements and handling fee.)

  • You never touched the vehicle
  • You never got involved with DMV
  • You never processed donor's tax papers
Become a Preferred Charity Partner

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