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The Steps For Setting Up a Nonprofit Organization From Start to Finish

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Making a difference in your community by yourself is difficult. Even if you band together with other people who want to make positive changes, you might still lack the resources to overcome certain obstacles. Forming a nonprofit organization is a great way to pool funds and organize large community efforts.

Nonprofits operate similarly to businesses but with an emphasis on the common good rather than furthering the financial agenda of organization owners. With these four steps from Cars2Charities, you can start spreading positivity in your local area in a big way by setting up a nonprofit organization.

Driving Change: The Environmental Benefits of Car Donation

Girl Driving

As our world grapples with the increasing concerns of environmental sustainability, individuals are seeking innovative ways to reduce their carbon footprint and make a positive impact. One such solution that often goes overlooked is car donation. Beyond the act of giving to charity, donating your car can have significant environmental benefits. In this blog post, we'll explore how car donation contributes to a greener planet and why it's a choice that not only benefits charitable organizations but also Mother Earth.

Telltale Signs It's Time to Get Rid of Your Car

Telltale Signs Its Time to Get Rid of Your Car

Picture this: you're behind the wheel of your trusty old car, which has seen you through countless journeys and adventures. It's been a loyal companion, and you don't even think it might be time to get rid of your car. But lately, you've been noticing some changes. The warning lights on your dashboard seem to glow like a Christmas tree, and that once-familiar purr has turned into a cacophony of odd sounds.

If you've found yourself nodding in agreement, it might be time to face a brutal truth: your beloved car may be past its prime. Ignoring the telltale signs of an aging vehicle can lead to frequent breakdowns and hefty repair bills that could be better spent elsewhere. So, buckle up as we embark on this journey to help you make a practical, economical, and, above all, safe decision.

Navigating Autumn: Common Car Problems and Solutions

Car in Fall Blog

As the leaves change and the weather cools, we look forward to PSLs, spooky season, and cozy nights at home. But did you know that autumn brings its own set of challenges for drivers? The season can be tough on your vehicle, but it doesn’t always have to be. In this blog post, we'll explore common car problems during the autumn season and provide some practical solutions to keep your vehicle running smoothly - to the pumpkin patch and beyond!

How Students Can Benefit from Nonprofit Car Programs

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For many students, the journey through college isn’t just about hitting the books or taking exams. It’s also about overcoming daily life challenges, including transportation issues. Whether it’s commuting to classes, attending internships, or managing part-time jobs, reliable transportation can make a significant difference. That’s where nonprofit car programs come into play, providing students with an essential asset: mobility. For those who’ve been contemplating using such programs but aren’t sure about their advantages, reading through testimonials while a trusted essayservice.com works on your “write my essay for best price” request and also can offer insights into personal experiences and benefits. 

The Benefits of Carpooling for College Students

C2C Blog Collage Students

College life can be a whirlwind of experiences, from late-night studying sessions and school projects to juggling assignments and other responsibilities. As students rush from one activity to another, transportation can sometimes become a challenge, especially on busy urban campuses. Enter the solution many are turning to—carpooling. Not only is it environmentally friendly, but carpooling also offers numerous benefits tailored to the college student’s life.


In your first year of college and feeling overwhelmed? Don’t fret. If the thought of writing that admission essay is daunting, simply ask DoMyEssay to write your admission essay. With that settled, let’s delve into why carpooling might just be the transportation solution you’ve been seeking.


Financial Savings


Reduced Transportation Costs

One of the primary benefits of carpooling is the undeniable savings on transportation costs. Between skyrocketing petrol prices, routine maintenance, and the often exorbitant parking fees, the expenses for individual students can be daunting. However, the beauty of carpooling is that it allows for these costs to be distributed among multiple passengers. This collective approach not only eases the financial burden but also leads to substantial savings in the long run.


Fewer Vehicle Depreciation

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Frequent driving, particularly on city roads, can wear out a vehicle faster than one might think. But when you’re part of a carpool, your car gets a break, as it’s not on the road every single day. By sharing rides, the wear and tear on any individual vehicle is significantly minimized. This reduced usage ensures longer vehicle lifespans, resulting in decreased depreciation. Plus, less frequent visits to the mechanic mean fewer maintenance costs—a win-win situation!


Time Management and Productivity


Shared Driving Responsibilities

One of the less obvious perks of carpooling is the gift of time. When students carpool, they share driving duties, allowing each person a chance to sit back and relax on alternate days. This free time can be invaluable. Instead of focusing on the road, students can utilize this time to go over class notes, review upcoming assignments, or even brainstorm ideas for projects. By the time they reach their destination, they’ve already accomplished a lot, making the most of every minute.


Access to Carpool Lanes

Traffic can be a student’s worst nightmare, especially when rushing to make it to a lecture or exam. However, many cities worldwide have designated carpool lanes on major highways. These lanes are exclusively for vehicles carrying multiple passengers and are typically less congested than regular lanes. By carpooling, students can take advantage of these lanes, ensuring quicker travel times. This efficiency translates to less time on the road and more time dedicated to studying and other academic activities.


Environmental and Health Benefits


Reduced Carbon Footprint

Every time we choose to carpool, we contribute to a greener planet. With the escalating concerns of climate change, it’s heartening to see that college students can directly combat this by simply sharing rides. Fewer cars on the road signify fewer greenhouse gas emissions, reducing our collective carbon footprint. This not only aids in environmental conservation but also makes students active participants in the global green movement.


Decreased Traffic Congestion

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Carpooling doesn’t just benefit those inside the car—it also plays a role in the larger community setting. The fewer cars there are on the road, the less congested it becomes. Reduced traffic congestion has a ripple effect: it lowers commute times for everyone and significantly reduces air pollution. Cleaner air means fewer respiratory issues and a healthier living environment for all, making carpooling a choice that benefits both the individual and the community at large.


Strengthening Social Ties


Building Friendships

The regular car journeys students embark upon provide more than just a means to reach the college campus. They present unique moments where conversations flourish, laughter echoes, and genuine connections are made. Over time, these shared rides and shared stories can lead to meaningful friendships. The camaraderie formed in these confined spaces often resonates deeply, leading to bonds that might last well beyond graduation and into the labyrinth of adult life.


Networking Opportunities

In the diverse environment of a college, every carpool ride can be a ticket to a world of new perspectives. Imagine sharing a ride with a student majoring in a field you’re unfamiliar with or someone working on a groundbreaking project. The discussions and insights from such interactions can be enlightening, helping you broaden your horizons. Not only does this deepen your understanding of various disciplines, but it also paves the way for interdisciplinary collaborations and future career networking.


Safety and Convenience


Shared Night Drives

Campus life is notorious for its late-night cramming sessions and vibrant events. While these are integral to the college experience, traveling post such events can often be a cause for concern, especially during the wee hours. Carpooling emerges as a beacon of safety in such scenarios. A shared drive means there’s always someone to ensure you reach home safely, drastically reducing the vulnerabilities associated with nighttime solo travels.


Scheduled Rides

The unpredictability of transportation can be a major stressor for students juggling tight schedules. Will I get a cab on time? What if the bus is late? Such worries can be put to rest with carpooling. With a set carpool routine in place, students have the assurance of a reliable ride awaiting them. This not only saves time but also eliminates the daily transportation hassles, making the commute to college a breeze.



Carpooling is more than just a cost-effective mode of transportation for college students—it’s a holistic experience replete with myriad benefits. From financial prudence to environmental conservation, from fostering heartwarming friendships to opening up a world of opportunities, carpooling truly offers it all. As the journey of college unfolds, filled with its unique challenges and memorable moments, it’s pivotal for students to have dependable support systems. And if academic pressures ever get too overwhelming, remember you can always consult the best essay writing services for comprehensive academic assistance. The road to academic success is filled with twists and turns, but with the right choices, it can be a fulfilling and enriching ride.

Car Donation 101: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students

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Car donation is a gracious act that transforms an idle vehicle into an instrument of change. By donating cars, individuals have the power to support charitable causes, fund community projects, and even provide scholarships.


For students, especially, understanding this concept goes beyond the mere action of giving away an old car. It’s a lesson in philanthropy, responsibility, and the ripple effect of community support. Students stand at a juncture where they're both recipients and future benefactors. By partaking in or promoting car donations, they not only aid nonprofits in their mission but also pave the way for a culture of giving back.


As we delve deeper into this guide, we will explore how car donations work, their societal impact, and how students can actively participate and benefit from this philanthropic endeavor.


Assessing the Value of Your Car


When considering a car donation, it's vital to understand its worth. Start by determining the current market value of your car using online platforms or guides. If you don’t have the time for it, consider using do my essay online services for homework.


Next, objectively assess the car's condition, looking for any damages, wear, or operational issues. This condition plays a pivotal role in its valuation. Lastly, it's important to gauge the potential tax deduction you can avail of. Usually, this is based on the car's fair market value or the amount the charity sells it for, ensuring you reap both societal and financial benefits.


Selecting a Reputable Charity


Selecting a trustworthy charity is the backbone of a successful car donation. Not all organizations will utilize your donation effectively, so research is paramount. Websites like cars2charities.org


can streamline the process, connecting donors with reputable charities. It's essential to verify a charity's tax-exempt status with the IRS to ensure your donation is tax-deductible.


Delve deeper into a charity’s history, mission, and reputation; understanding its objectives will provide insight into the impact your donation will have. While global charities have extensive reach, considering a local charity can lead to more immediate, tangible community benefits. By dedicating time to select the right organization, your car's legacy is magnified, touching lives and creating meaningful change.


Preparation for Donation


Before entrusting your car to a charity, some prep work is essential. Begin by giving the vehicle a thorough cleaning, both inside and out, enhancing its presentation. Equally crucial is the removal of personal items; comb through every nook and cranny to ensure you haven't left behind any belongings.


Lastly, assemble key documents. The title, registration, and maintenance records not only authenticate your ownership but also provide the charity with valuable information for subsequent use or sale. This meticulous preparation ensures a smooth donation process, reflecting respect for the charity and the new chapter your car is about to embark upon.


Transferring Ownership


Transferring ownership, though an administrative process, holds symbolic value; it's the moment your car begins its philanthropic journey. The first step is signing over the title to the chosen charity organization.


This act legally cements the transfer, ensuring the vehicle's subsequent actions or liabilities don't fall back on you. Concurrently, reach out to your insurance company. It's essential to either cancel the policy on the donated car or transfer it if you're replacing the vehicle. This step protects you from unnecessary future charges.


Lastly, don't overlook the importance of notifying your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). By filing the required paperwork, you ensure that the state's records are updated, officially releasing you from any further obligations related to the car. In essence, transferring ownership is not just about the act itself but about ensuring peace of mind and the legitimate handover of responsibility.


Making the Donation


The act of donating your car is a culmination of thought and preparation. First, coordinate with your chosen charity regarding the logistics. Many organizations offer pickup services, making the process convenient. If not, arranging a drop-off becomes necessary. Use the best paper writing services to make time for more important business.


As you hand over the keys, ensure you receive a receipt of the donation. This document is vital for tax purposes and serves as a tangible record of your generous act. After the donation, it's prudent to confirm that the vehicle has been collected or successfully delivered to its intended destination. This final step, though simple, provides closure to the donor and marks the beginning of the vehicle's new purposeful journey in service of a noble cause.


Maximizing the Tax Benefit


One of the compelling incentives of car donations, aside from the altruistic drive, is the tax benefit. To harness this, a meticulous approach is necessary. Begin by itemizing deductions on your tax return. Instead of opting for the standard deduction, delineate each charitable contribution, including your car donation.


Next, actively claim the car donation deduction on your taxes. The amount you can deduct often depends on the car's value or how the charity utilizes the vehicle. Always consult current IRS guidelines or a tax professional for precise guidance. Equally vital is retaining all donation-related documentation.


From the initial valuation of your car to the receipt from the charity, these documents substantiate your claim and are essential for any future reference or audit. With careful planning and documentation, you can ensure that your noble act also reaps its rightful fiscal rewards.




Donating a car is a process steeped in both generosity and practicality. It begins with evaluating the car's value, selecting a trustworthy charity, preparing the vehicle, transferring ownership, making the donation, and ultimately capitalizing on the tax benefits. Each step, though procedural, is imbued with the intent of driving positive change.


The benefits are manifold. For the donor, there's the dual reward of a potential tax deduction and the profound satisfaction of aiding a cause. For the charity, the car can become a significant resource, either as a functional asset or a means to fund their objectives.


As we conclude this guide, let's recognize the profound impact of car donations. It’s more than just giving away an old vehicle; it's about forging connections and creating ripples of change. Encourage peers, friends, and family to explore this avenue, amplifying the impact. In the grand tapestry of philanthropy, every thread counts, and car donations are a brilliant, shining strand.

Capturing Impact: How Videos Inspire Support of Nonprofit Initiatives

Non-profit initiatives play a crucial role in addressing societal challenges and striving for positive change. However, the success of these initiatives heavily relies on garnering support from individuals, communities, and organizations. By inspiring support, non-profit organizations can secure funding, gather volunteers, and cultivate a network of advocates who share their vision and are committed to making a difference. In this context, videos have emerged as a compelling tool for captivating audiences, evoking empathy, and mobilizing action. They possess the potential to create a ripple effect, amplifying the impact of non-profit initiatives and driving meaningful change at a larger scale.


Videos have emerged as a powerful medium for capturing the essence and impact of non-profit initiatives. Through dynamic visuals, compelling narratives, and emotional storytelling, videos have the potential to create a profound connection with audiences and inspire support for various causes. Whether it's raising awareness about social issues, promoting environmental conservation, or advocating for marginalized communities, videos have the unique ability to convey the urgency and importance of non-profit initiatives in a way that resonates deeply with viewers.


The Content Marketing Institute reports that 76% of nonprofit marketers use content marketing to aid in donor retention, community engagement, brand exposure, and donor acquisition. Sadly, research indicates that few nonprofit marketers are proficient in content marketing.


The Power of Visual Storytelling to Non-Profit


The impact of videos in conveying emotions and messages effectively


Videos have a unique power to evoke emotions and deliver messages in a highly impactful way. Through a combination of visuals, audio, and motion, videos can engage multiple senses simultaneously, resulting in a more immersive and memorable experience for viewers. Emotions, whether they are joy, sadness, empathy, or inspiration, can be conveyed vividly through the use of compelling imagery, facial expressions, music, and carefully crafted narratives. This emotional resonance helps to forge a deep connection between the viewer and the subject matter, leaving a lasting impression that motivates action and support for non-profit initiatives.


Moreover, videos possess the ability to compress time and space, allowing viewers to witness real-life stories and experiences within a condensed timeframe. By condensing complex issues into concise narratives, videos can simplify information without sacrificing its impact. They enable non-profit organizations to communicate their mission, vision, and the challenges they aim to address in a visually engaging and easily digestible manner, capturing the attention and interest of viewers in a crowded digital landscape.


Storytelling through videos can create a personal connection with viewers


Storytelling lies at the heart of human communication, and videos provide a powerful platform for non-profit initiatives to tell their stories. Through narratives woven with relatable characters, personal journeys, and authentic experiences, videos can create a profound personal connection between viewers and the cause being championed. By featuring individuals who have been directly impacted by the work of non-profit organizations, videos humanize complex issues and foster empathy and understanding among viewers.


A well-crafted non-profit video can transport viewers into the lives of those affected, allowing them to walk in someone else's shoes for a brief moment. This immersive experience elicits empathy and compels viewers to take action, whether it is donating, volunteering, or advocating for change. By presenting the human face of a cause, videos can bridge gaps of understanding and inspire viewers to see the world from a different perspective, igniting a sense of shared responsibility and collective action.


Elements of Compelling Non-Profit Videos

Importance of a strong narrative and compelling visuals


A strong narrative lies at the core of any compelling non-profit video. It provides structure, coherence, and a sense of purpose to the storytelling process. A well-crafted narrative should have a clear beginning, middle, and end, guiding viewers through a journey that captivates their attention and keeps them engaged. It should communicate the mission, impact, and goals of the non-profit initiative in a way that resonates with the audience.


In addition to a strong narrative, compelling visuals play a crucial role in capturing and holding viewers' attention. Visuals should be carefully chosen to evoke emotions and convey the essence of the non-profit initiative effectively. This can include footage of the people or communities impacted by the initiative, scenes that highlight the urgency of the issue at hand, or visually stunning imagery that showcases the beauty and significance of the cause. By combining a strong narrative with visually striking elements, non-profit videos can leave a lasting impression on viewers.


Music and video quality can enhance the emotional impact of videos


Music is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the emotional impact of non-profit videos. The right music can evoke specific emotions, create a mood, and amplify the message being conveyed. Whether it's a soft, melodic tune to evoke a sense of empathy or an uplifting, energetic track to inspire action, music sets the tone and adds depth to the storytelling. Careful consideration should be given to selecting music that aligns with the overall message and evokes the desired emotional response from viewers.


Moreover, the quality of the video production is crucial in capturing the attention and trust of the audience. Clear and crisp visuals, smooth transitions, and professional editing can contribute to the overall credibility and professionalism of the non-profit video. High production value not only enhances the viewing experience but also lends credibility to the cause and the organization behind it.


Role of Testimonials and personal stories in Capturing the Attention


Testimonials and personal stories have a profound impact on capturing the attention of viewers and fostering a connection with the cause. When individuals share their personal experiences and how the non-profit initiative has made a difference in their lives, it adds authenticity and credibility to the video. Testimonials humanize the cause, making it relatable and tangible for viewers. People connect with stories, and personal narratives create an emotional bond that encourages empathy and motivates action.


Including diverse voices and perspectives in testimonials helps to showcase the broad impact of the non-profit initiative.


Engaging and Mobilizing Audiences

Strategies for creating videos that engage and resonate with viewers


Creating videos that engage and resonate with viewers requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some strategies to enhance viewer engagement:

Understand the target audience: Research and understand the demographics, interests, and preferences of the target audience. Tailor the content, tone, and style of the video to align with their expectations.

Develop a compelling hook: Capture viewers' attention within the first few seconds of the video. Use visually stunning or emotionally impactful footage, pose thought-provoking questions, or present intriguing statistics to hook the audience from the start.

Keep it concise and focused: In today's fast-paced digital landscape, attention spans are short. Keep the video concise, delivering the key message and impact within a limited timeframe. Focus on the most impactful aspects of the initiative to maintain viewer engagement.

Incorporate storytelling techniques: Use storytelling techniques to create a narrative arc that builds anticipation, emotional connection, and resolution. Engage viewers by presenting relatable characters, conflicts, and resolutions that align with the mission and impact of the non-profit initiative.


Explore the use of social media platforms to amplify the reach of non-profit video


Social media platforms provide an excellent opportunity to amplify the reach of non-profit videos. Here are ways to leverage social media for video promotion:


Identify relevant platforms: Determine the social media platforms that align with the target audience and the video's content. Popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn can be effective channels for sharing non-profit videos.

Optimize video content: Customize the video content for each platform to maximize engagement. For instance, create shorter teaser clips for platforms with shorter video formats or add subtitles to make videos accessible and engaging. Use a video compressor when publishing to social media sites to ensure that your movies maintain their quality and don't slow.

Encourage sharing and interaction: Incorporate shareable elements within the video, such as compelling visuals, inspiring quotes, or calls to action, to encourage viewers to share the video with their networks. Engage with viewers by responding to comments, questions, and feedback to foster a sense of community and connection.


Highlight the role of calls to action in inspiring viewers to support non-profit initiatives


Be clear and specific: Communicate the desired action you want viewers to take, such as donating, volunteering, signing a petition, or sharing the video. Use concise and actionable language to make it easy for viewers to understand what is expected of them.

Reinforce the impact: Highlight the potential impact of viewers' actions on the cause. Clearly explain how their support can contribute to positive change and make a difference in the lives of those affected.

Provide multiple avenues: Offer various options for engagement based on viewers' preferences and capabilities. Provide links or information on how viewers can donate, volunteer, or get involved with the non-profit initiative.

Utilize visual cues: Incorporate visual cues such as on-screen text, graphics, or annotations to draw attention to the CTA and make it stand out. This can help ensure that viewers are aware of the action steps to take.




Videos have proven to be a powerful medium for capturing impact and inspiring support for non-profit initiatives. Through their ability to convey emotions and messages effectively, videos have the potential to create a deep and lasting connection with viewers. By harnessing the power of visual storytelling, non-profit organizations can engage audiences on a personal level, fostering empathy and understanding for the causes they champion.

So, let us embrace the power of videos and harness their ability to captivate, inspire, and make a difference. Together, we can use this impactful medium to support non-profit initiatives, raise awareness, and create a better future for all.

Summer Maintenance Checklist for Your Vehicle

With the warm temperatures and long days, now is the time to plan a fun summer trip. Getting your vehicle travel-ready is critical as part of your summer road trip planning. Read through this maintenance checklist for summer, and be prepared for some serious fun!


What to Consider for Your Summer Road Trip Plans

There are two aspects to consider when preparing your vehicle for a long summer road trip. First, you should note that your car's components, such as the engine, air conditioner, and transmission, will be tested thoroughly on this journey.

The second consideration is for your safety. Think about the brakes, tires, and items to pack in case of car trouble. If you plan to bring along an RV trailer or boat for your getaway, you must also prepare for any potential towing issues.

In the end, planning ahead will make for a less stressful trip and fewer misadventures on your long-distance adventure. Review the following systems to check before you leave town!

Inspect Your Tires

Your tires are one of the most critical components of your vehicle. If they aren’t cared for properly, it can cause delays or accidents. Be sure to check for the correct air pressure. You can find the proper amount of pressure for your specific tires on the sidewall. If over- or under-inflated, it can cause a flat tire or blowout on the highway. Look at the tread on the tire. If it’s getting low or you notice uneven wear, take your vehicle in for service. Uneven wear can indicate other problems, such as wheel alignment or a damaged suspension. These issues should all be fixed before you take your road trip.

Replace Windshield Wipers

When the weather’s nice, you likely don’t think about your windshield wipers. However, if you run into rain during your summer trip, you'll want them to work well. Make sure the rubber is smooth on the blades. If it’s torn or starting to wear down, you’ll want to replace them before you leave. Refill the wiper fluid before you go so you don’t run out on your trip.

Check the A/C

The one thing you don’t want to run into on your trip is an air conditioning system that won’t work. Driving in the heat makes for a miserable trip if you can’t cool off with the A/C. Have a service technician inspect your system and test it. They’ll add refrigerant to keep you cool on your journey if it needs to be recharged.

Get an Oil Change

Before you leave on a long trip this summer, schedule an oil change. Your engine is going to work harder, and fresh oil will help it work more efficiently. Changing your oil can improve efficiency, which translates into cost savings at the pump. It is also better equipped to keep out dust and grime, which can be harmful to your engine’s components.

Most vehicles should have an oil change every 5000 to 7500 miles. Older models may need it more often, while vehicles that use synthetic oil can often go a little longer. If your vehicle will reach the mileage for an oil change while you’re gone or right after you return, it’s a good idea to schedule it before you go.

Along with changing the oil, service technicians will take the time to conduct a multi-point inspection. They will refill all your fluids and check the belts and hoses. If they see anything that needs to be repaired or replaced, they will let you know. You can get the work done before your trip for added peace of mind.

Check Your Emergency Kit

You should have an emergency kit in your vehicle. If you don’t, put one together before you leave on your trip. If you have one in place, check to see if anything needs to be replaced. You may have used some items while others may have expired.

Some items that should be included in your kit:

  • Flashlight with extra batteries
  • Jumper cables
  • First-aid kit
  • Tool kit
  • Flares
  • Blanket
  • Bottles of water
  • Non-perishable food

What to Consider When You’re Towing

If you’re taking an RV along for your trip or towing a boat or other outdoor toys, you’ll want to take extra precautions before leaving. Here are some tips for safe towing:

Know the Towing Capacity of Your Vehicle

Make sure you know how much your vehicle can safely tow. The manufacturer will give it a rating in pounds. This capacity doesn’t include other passengers or cargo. If you load up a truck bed with equipment or plan to haul several passengers and their gear, the towing capacity will go down.

Towing and payload are two different terms. Towing capacity consists of what you can tow behind the vehicle. Payload is the amount you can haul in the truck bed.

Know What Towing Features You Have

Towing a trailer or RV is a lot different than driving a vehicle. Today’s models have added a lot of towing accessories to make it safer and easier. Find out what features come with your vehicle, such as trailer tow mirrors to see around your trailer on the highway.

Additionally, you might have a digital rear-view camera that shows what’s behind your trailer, lights to help you hitch up after dark, or a trailer sway control feature that helps keep your trailer in line with the vehicle—this puts less stress on the engine and makes for easier steering.

Take the time to prepare your vehicle for your adventure. Follow this checklist to ensure your vehicle is ready for the road. When you spend a little extra time on your summer road trip planning, you’ll have less to worry about on the trip.

Bentley Buick GMC can inspect your vehicle before you leave for a summer trip. And if you don’t have the right vehicle to tow an RV or trailer, Bentley Buick GMC offers a wide selection of SUVs and trucks with impressive towing capacities.

Top 5 Reasons To Donate Your Car Instead Of Selling It

Cars are valuable assets to have. They help you continue with your employment travel, help feed the family through grocery shopping, and let you travel with ease and comfort. Some enjoy their cars as it is, while others include additions to the vehicle like new seat covers, dash cam, GPS, and much more. 


Almost everyone today has a car. However, not everyone can afford to maintain one, which is why many opt to sell or give it to charity. Written below are some perks to opting to donate your car.


1) You receive a tax deduction


Legally speaking, donating vehicles allows you to have a tax reduction when transferring the property. If you decide to take your car to an IRS-registered 501(c)(3) charitable organization, then you will be eligible for a tax deduction for the vehicle you donate.


If you donate a vehicle, the money you owe in taxes, you can lower your tax bill by the federally allowed limit for the car donation.


Also, depending on what organization you opt to donate to will determine how much they'd help you go through the donation process smoothly. If asked, the organization you've chosen may pick up your vehicle for you before donating it to those in need or auctioning the car.


When the donation process is complete, ask for a receipt from the charity organization. Hold onto it as a personal record until the next time you do taxes. This will help give you a tax break.


2) Can quickly get rid of a car with costly repairs and high maintenance


A car is referred to as a depreciating asset. It means it has value, but its value diminishes if not correctly cared for. Sometimes, the price of repairs and maintenance is so much that some people feel that it's not worth the effort to fix and costs too much to sell. For example, a car may need new parts, which might be challenging to find and cost over your budget. Here, you can opt to donate the car.


You may think that a person who is unable to afford a vehicle won't be able to afford the maintenance expenses, replacements, and repairs. You might be right. However, some car donation centers send donated cars to get fixed into usable condition. They do this through donated mechanic labor or by hiring. The organization then sells the car.


Depending on what organization you choose, they either give the car to those who need quality, reliable transportation or sell it to another person. The money from the sale should be used for services going towards the community and operational expenses.


3) Help those in need who can't afford a Vehicle


Many aren't able to save enough for an upfront purchase of a vehicle. There also is the sales tax that is paid when buying a car. Your donation will remove the barrier to this significant expense, along with the maintenance expenses that accompany car ownership.


People without cars rely heavily on public transportation. This gives them little mobility and provides many other hurdles in life. For example, imagine having to take time to go to the grocery store every day, sometimes multiple times a day, because you can only carry a few bags at a time. Or if you're sick and have to sit in the trains for an extended period of time before going to the doctor instead of hiring expensive ambulances when it's not an immediate emergency. A car donation makes these types of tasks easier to handle.


4) Lower your Expenses


If you have a vehicle you aren't using, then there's little point in keeping it. The longer you have it, the more money it'll cost, even when you aren't using it. Having a car requires ongoing maintenance expenses, insurance, and license registration. Some states may collect an annual property tax on vehicles and require emissions inspections. You can decrease these expenses by seeking out car donation centers and passing your vehicle for better use to someone else.


Additionally, by donating your vehicle, you'd be able to increase your savings account or pay down debts with the money you would be spending on keeping the car.


5) Support Community Organizations


Charitable organizations' main aim is to aid those who can't help themselves. Consequently, they depend on donations to keep their services open and available to the community. By making a donation, you are helping that organization with needed funding for operational expenses in its mission to help better the community.


Many charity organizations use paid volunteers. Because many of them need the money for living expenses.

By donating, you can help increase job employment in centers that help provide funds to aid the less fortunate.




Donating vehicles may be beneficial for not only the receiver but also the donator. By donating, you're receiving the benefits of tax deduction, as well as providing a cheaper alternative to paying maintenance and repairs before selling your vehicle. Many different organizations work with donations. Each offers different options that best suit your desire to help those less fortunate.

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