We're open and accepting donations!

COVID-19 can't stop us! Please call us to find out how we are safely handling car donations.

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You used to have really reliable transportation. But lately, when you turn on your car it makes strange sounds, and little things are showing their age, like a fading sound system and rips in the seats.

Have you been thinking it may be time to get a new car? Perhaps it’s for different reasons, like your friends convincing you to be more environmentally responsible by driving an electric car or hybrid.

If you’re headed to the dealer anytime soon, you can donate a car in Loma Linda to share some love with a local charity and gain a tax credit at the same time.

Want an end-of-year gift that keeps on giving? There’s still time for a car donation to support a charity and earn a tax deduction!

Have you thought about getting that special someone the gift of a lifetime? Imagine sending your spouse on a scavenger hunt leading them to the garage for a NEW CAR!

Or did you get saddled with the challenges of being an executor for someone’s estate?

In any case, you may have a car you no longer need, which means you’ve got a tremendous opportunity to get the job done while bringing in a sizable tax break and doing some good for someone else. When you donate a car to people in need in Rancho Santa Margarita you can benefit any 501(c)(3) you choose.

Getting a new car? If you’ve got a growing family, that Honda CR-V may not be big enough for the carpool anymore. Or are you tired of calling in late to work every week because your car’s in the shop ... AGAIN?!You can’t safely drive into L.A. or get the kids to soccer and band practice unless you’re driving a car that meets your needs.

If you’re upgrading, downgrading or simply changing your style of transportation, what are you doing with your old car? Donate a car to animals in Upland and take something ordinary, like re-homing your car, to bring resources to someone who needs support, and at the same time, gain a tax advantage!