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Break-ins are a fact a life. But you don't have to live in fear or paranoia to be prepared. Some simple measures can be taken that, while non-intrusive and affordable, will significantly impact your home's security for the better. This article will go over a few simple ways to get started that you may not have already considered.

The presence of black cats and jack-o-lanterns means that Halloween 2019 is around the corner. And Americans aren’t the only ones with October traditions – many countries have spooky celebrations of their own.

It’s true that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, but everyone needs a junk removal company sometimes. Nobody wants to be surrounded by unsightly trash. Most of us want to be surrounded by home goods, furnishings and décor that we consider beautiful and that brings us joy.

The beauty of the breast cancer awareness movement is how it underscores the huge success that occurs when people join forces. Before October was designated “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” our female forebears had to suffer, many in silence.