We're open and accepting donations!

COVID-19 can't stop us! Please call us to find out how we are safely handling car donations.

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7 Days a Week
Serving All 50 States

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Cars2Charities is designed to provide donors with a simple, fast, and secure way to donate their vehicles to their favorite charity in Houston. Because most non-profits are not able to process their own vehicle donations, we take care of the scheduling, pick up, sale, and paperwork for each donation on their behalf. Making it an ideal for both our donors and charities. 

Are you a supporter of Philadelphia’s efforts to become “the greenest city in America”? If you think it’s time to downsize, make a car donation in Philadelphia through Cars2Charities. We take care of the entire car donation process and get you the paperwork you need for your tax break.

It is a global powerhouse of generosity, one of the most recognizable causes in the world. Responding to disasters, giving medical care, and building international developments are just a few examples of the Salvation Army’s mission.

You’re driving from your apartment to pick up friends at the Four Seasons New York, then out to Long Island. Just another day in paradise for you – but for your car it’s another couple hundred miles. Is it time for something new?

You may not need any convincing, especially if your friends at Soul Cycle are pulling up in the newest Lexus or this year’s Mercedes. Is it your turn?

If so, we can give you an additional motivation: You can donate a car in New York and benefit any non-profit cause you want!