We're open and accepting donations!

COVID-19 can't stop us! Please call us to find out how we are safely handling car donations.

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A car donation for breast cancer is an effective method for supporting awareness programs that benefit individuals battling the disease.

If you’ve ever wished you could do more to support your favorite charity, a car donation in Charlotte is that chance – it’s a way to send cash to the cause while giving you something in return – a tax deduction.

How’s your car running? Don’t forget – your old car still has value! A vehicle donation in Charlotte through Cars2Charities can turn it into comfort for the needy or supplies for your church.


We could all use a vacation, right? When you donate a vehicle through Cars2Charities, you are eligible to receive a vacation voucher! 

In the same way that a car brought “Fast & Furious” star Paul Walker onto the silver screen, a car donation to disaster relief is made possible through Walker’s non-profit charity, Reach Out WorldWide, also known as ROWW.