We're open and accepting donations!

COVID-19 can't stop us! Please call us to find out how we are safely handling car donations.

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Serving All 50 States

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In the world of buying and selling cars, it’s not your first rodeo. If you’re starting to doubt your car’s ability to get you safely from Point A to Point B, make a car donation in Fort Worth to make a difference for a non-profit.

You know how important a reliable set of wheels is – especially getting the kids to sports and after-school programs in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. If you haven’t bought a new car since Bush 43 was in office (or Bush 41!) it’s probably time.

But what will you do with your old car? You can benefit the 501(c)(3) of your choice and get a tax break by donating a car in Fort Worth through Cars2Charities.

When you donate your car to NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, you support mental health awareness.



Fires. Floods. Earthquakes. Tornadoes. Nearly 400 natural disasters occur each year, invoking disaster relief assistance from millions of generous individuals around the world.

Cars2Charities is designed to provide donors with a simple, fast, and secure way to donate their vehicles to their favorite charity in Toledo. Because most non-profits are not able to process their own vehicle donations, we take care of the scheduling, pick up, sale, and paperwork for each donation on their behalf. Making it an ideal for both our donors and charities.